Intro to Dice Realms

” The universe has no restrictions. You place restrictions on the universe with your expectations.” -Deepak Chopra

Weather you are a veteran at role playing games (RPGs) or you are taking you first plunge into one this blog is for you. I will be using this blog to record my game play progress, as well as character profiles. We will discuss RPG, and board games with other like-minded individuals. I hope to expand my knowledge and other’s on how to run games better; as well on how to be better players. Including what makes a good story, and what made me laugh at the table. My sister got Dungeons and Dragons Red box Basic set for Christmas in mid 80’s. My mom was the dungeon master and that first mission got me hooked on RPG and Board games of that genre. I grew up playing D&D. I got Hero Quest one year for Christmas and to this day I still have all the pieces and play it with my younger kids. In 2000 I joined the Army, moved all over the world, and play Dungeon and Dragons 3.5 versions for the most part. Even up to this day I still play D&D with friends and family. But I didn’t limit myself to just D&D, I also play Pathfinder, GURPs, and other board games. I enjoy being able to play a character in the fantasy realms or racing through stars. I spend most of my time writing stories and running games for family and friends.

Point is there aren’t any limitation to what you can do or what can happen in a game except what you limit yourself to. So lets get out there and build a better game world together.

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